Submit to Counterflow
"Phrases for the Future"
Emails regarding status of submissions will go out this Winter.
Please check back here in Summer for future calls.
Restor-volution. That was the concept we began developing in Issue #3 of Counterflow. We challenged writers, poets, and visual artists to rethink how we relate to our planet. Twenty-two fantastic contributors did just that, but there is still so much more that needs saying!
Counterflow’s issue #4 asks the question: What narratives, what words will we recite as the Restor-volution rolls forward? What are the sagas we want future generations to recite? Which tales will light a path to heal both physical and psychic wounds, imagine scenarios to restore harmony, balance, and equity for all species that share this world, and honour the wisdom of generations who understood that humanity and nature are not divisible, but are inextricably connected?
Send us your poetry, flash fiction, creative non-fiction, and visual art for Counterflow’s issue #4: “Phrases for the Future.” Please read the following guidelines and use the link on this page to submit.
You are eligible to submit to Counterflow if you reside in communities located anywhere on Vancouver Island or within the expansive Salish Sea basin. Submissions received from outside of our geographical region will not be read. Please send submissions in English or French. French language submissions must include an English language translation provided by the author.
Have a look at previous issues of Counterflow to get a sense of whether your work will be a good fit for this magazine.
There are no submission fees, however, if you would like to help support Counterflow, you can send a donation via e-transfer to Wordstorm Society of the Arts (
We strive to let everyone know the status of their submissions as soon as possible after the
December 31 deadline. Our editorial team are all volunteers though and we get lots of submissions, so it might take up to three months to get a response. Look for a message about the status of your submission from this address:
Submissions are currently closed
By submitting your work you grant Counterflow First North American Serial and Electronic Rights. Copyright reverts to you after publication of your work. We accept simultaneous submissions; however, if your work is accepted elsewhere, please inform us immediately and withdraw your submission to Counterflow. Please only submit your work once per category during each submission period.​
Poetry Submissions
Submit up to 3 poems in one document; each poem must be titled and must be no longer than one page in length
Times new roman, 12 pt., single or double spaced
Your name only goes on the submission form. Do not put your name in the document you attach to the submission form
File formats: .docx, .doc (Word)
Please include a brief bio (50 words or less)
Submissions will only be accepted via our online submission form
Short Fiction & Creative Non-Fiction
500 words max. length
Times new roman, 12 pt., single or double spaced
Your name only goes on the submission form. Do not put your name in the document you attach to the submission form.
File formats: .docx, .doc (Word)
Please include a brief bio (50 words or less)
Submissions will only be accepted via our online submission form
Visual Art
Open to all types of media
File Format: jpg, png, gif
Please include a brief bio (50 words or less)
Submissions will only be accepted via our online submission form
Editorial Team
Amber Morrison - Layout & Design
Amber holds an MFA in Art from the University of Lethbridge and a BA in Visual Art and Creative Writing from Vancouver Island University. She earned Nanaimo Art Gallery’s Student Achievement Award and the VIU Visual Art Major Award of Excellence in 2018. She is the creator and editor of Sad Girl Review, a collaborative art magazine project. Twitter: @amberartist. Instagram: @ambervisualartist.
Carla Stein - Editor & Issue #4 Non-fiction/Visual Art Adjudicator
Carla Stein’s poetry and illustrations have appeared in a wide variety of publications including Sustenance, The Starlight SciFaiku Review, Stonecoast Review, Pocket Lint, Please Hear What I’m Not Saying, Sea and Cedar Magazine, NonBinary Review, The Belladonna, Centipede-Cha-Cha, Penumbric, and Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine among others. Carla contributed to a renku in 2022 which was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her chapbook, Warp and Weft, was published by Tigerpetal Press (2024) and debut poetry collection, Zero Hour, published by Silver Bow Publishing (2024). She is a full member of the League of Canadian Poets and the former artistic director of Wordstorm. Carla makes art and writes poems from her home in Nanaimo, B.C. View her artwork at:
Ken Cathers - Issue #4 Poetry Adjudicator
Ken Cathers was born and raised on Vancouver Island. He has as a B.A. from the University of Victoria and an M.A. from York University in Toronto. He has just published his eighth book of poetry entitled "Home Town" with Impspired Press in England. He has also recently published two chapbooks, one entitled "Kiefer" by broke press and the other entitled "Legoland Noir" by Block Party Press. His work has appeared in over 80 publications from Canada, the United States, Australia, Ireland, England, India, Hong Kong and Africa. Some of his recent work has appeared in Plato’s Cave, The McGuffin, Acta Victoriana, Zoetic Press, Wild Words, The Carried Away and The Blue Unicorn. He has two sons and three grandchildren and currently lives in Yellow Point with his wife, Inge.
Rachelle Stein-Wotten - Issue #4 Fiction Adjudicator
Rachelle Stein-Wotten writes prose and scripts. Her work has been published in literary magazines, won awards at web series festivals, and has been performed in Vancouver and Seattle. She has also written hundreds of articles as a journalist. She has a degree in creative writing and journalism as well as a diploma in writing for film and television. She has adjudicated fiction and screenplays for contests and enjoys supporting other writers by delivering feedback as a story editor.