Counterflow is Wordstorm's digital magazine. Published annually.
Thank you for submitting to Issue #4.
Notification emails will be sent Winter 2025.

About Counterflow
Wordstorm’s magazine, Counterflow, is an annual anthology showcasing work by emerging, early career, and established writers, poets, and visual artists living across all of Vancouver Island
and within the Salish Sea Basin.
A counterflow is defined as a vortex, whirlpool, or maelstrom with currents that move in different, unexpected directions. Counterflow, the publication, seeks to create a home and community for work that explores unexpected directions around the process of writing. Counterflow strives to support the development of new work by emerging and established creators who seek to enliven the adventure of art-making through discovering new ways for their work to flow.
Wordstorm members, click here to read previous issues.
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Restor-volution. That was the concept we began developing in Issue #3 of Counterflow. We challenged writers, poets, and visual artists to rethink how we relate to our planet. Twenty-two fantastic contributors did just that, but there is still so much more that needs saying!
Counterflow’s issue #4 asks the question: What narratives, what words will we recite as the Restor-volution rolls forward? What are the sagas we want future generations to recite? Which tales will light a path to heal both physical and psychic wounds, imagine scenarios to restore harmony, balance, and equity for all species that share this world, and honour the wisdom of generations who understood that humanity and nature are not divisible, but are inextricably connected?
Send us your poetry, flash fiction, creative non-fiction, and visual art for Counterflow’s issue #4: “Phrases for the Future.”
Counterflow Editor
​Click here for Submission Guidelines.